sabato 8 giugno 2013

Alter Summit Athens

Presentation of the Manifesto

From Florence to Athens - A manifesto for the European movements

The Alter Summit process began in Spring 2012, and was officially launched in Florence on November 10th 2012, at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 1st European Social Forum.
It was then discussed with European personalities, academic networks and European organizations to organize an international event in Athens on 7th-9th June 2013.
From now on to Athens, national events will take place in various countries to prepare a wide mobilization for the Athens event.
In the same time, movements, networks and European organizations mem¬bers of the Alter Summit will draft together a common platform, a “manifesto of the peoples”, including shared analysis, proposals and an agenda.
This manifesto will be presented in Athens, in order to say out and loud that the destructive austerity policies are no fatality. Alternative policies exist and should be taken to build the democratic, social, ecological and feminist Europe we all expect!

lunedì 3 giugno 2013

Ancient Mediterranean Ports

History, Culture, Ecology & Peace in the Mediterranean

Ancient Greek colonies
The Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans and other ancient civilizations used harbors and coves as anchorages for their ships, and it is where the first settlements were created. Today, there have been identified at least 272 such sites in 23 Mediterranean countries. In the recent past, many of these areas have tried to come into contact with each other, to network and collaborate on social, economic, cultural and environmental level. Such a major collaborative initiative began in 1995, when the Union of Ancient Greek Ports was founded, based in ancient Agathe, today’s Agde in southern France. The cities that formed this Union are: a) Larnaca and Paphos in Cyprus, b) Alexandria in Egypt, c) Agathe-Agde, Antipole-Antibes, Thilini-Arles, Nice-Nice, Olbia-Hyeres and Aleria in France, d) Fasis-Poti in Georgia, e) Chalkis, Pythagorean, Patras, Piraeus, Rhodes and Ithaca in Greece, f) Celery-Castel Vetrano, Castor-Crotone, Sybaris-Cassano Ionio, Santa Severina, Bova, Cerenzia, Cino Marina, Locri, Naxos-Naxos and Strongoli in Italy, g) Byblos - Byblos in Lebanon, h) Callatis-Mangalia in Romania, i) Gadeira-Candix and Trade-Escala Empuries in Spain, j) Djerba-Djerba in Tunisia and finaly, k) Sevastoupolis-Sevastopol in Ukraine.

Ancient Ships
According to a popular saying "the culture comes from the sea". In antiquity, a harbor was the key area of communication, trade and defense of a city. The ships that left the ancient Greek ports, transported goods, ideas and the democratic spirit of the colony, across the Mediterranean, from Tanaida to Tartessos, outside


The mission of the Ancient Mediterranean Ports program