venerdì 20 luglio 2012

I Sindaci del Sud lanciano un patto delle Amministrazioni locali per rafforzare le comunità.

Firmato oggi a Palermo dai tre primi cittadini, il patto di consultazione tra i sindaci delle tre grandi città del Sud, Palermo, Napoli e Bari.
Sarà un patto di azione comune per avere una maggiore capacita' di interlocuzione con gli altri livelli di governo e per mandare un messaggio a comunità nazionale ed europea che esistono città che hanno amministrazioni calate nel Mediterraneo ma che parlano la lingua dell'Europa: il rispetto delle regole.

lunedì 9 luglio 2012

The European South is falling down, one country after another is given over to the regime of the IMF’s Memorandum on Guardianship.


By Alexis Anagnostakis
 The European South is falling down, one country after another is given over to the regime of the IMF’s Memorandum on Guardianship.

Spain and Cyprus may face the same prospects, despite being different cases. The same may happen to Italy tomorrow: subjugation, recession, impoverishment and in the long run the risk of bankruptcy.

The above situation does not leave untouched the fate of the people of the rest of Europe. They have already been tested by tough austerity situations and hardship, and there is worse to come.

Europe’s problem at the moment is, on the one hand, the difficulty of the southern countries to find their feet following recurrent attacks by speculators; and on the other hand, the obstinate refusal of the powerful circles of the Eurozone, with the German Government at the forefront, to consent to a plan of alleviation for the weak countries which will prevent them from being ruined.

In essence, the dominant political forces of the Eurozone, with Mrs Merkel as their leader, proceed towards harsh and usurious lending to their European partners, who are suffering the consequences.

They are heading towards the usurpation of the sovereignty of these states by imposing conditions of impoverishment and misery on their people and thus aiming at their “economic colonization”.

This disastrous course CANNOT be stopped, even with ostensible negotiations and deliberations of the governments, because leadership of today lacks strength and the will to change.

Dependence on the capital and the international decision-makers is in excess. The only solution can come from the power of the European citizens, who DO NOT have dependencies and interrelated interests.

With the collection of 1 million signatures, European citizens can transform their will into a steadfast power.

They can demand change to European legislation.

They can call for the establishment of the “state of necessity”.

When the state is enslaved, people become poorer and poorer and are forced into poverty. The role of the creditor MUST NOT come before this.

The payment of any odious debt should be put aside, as the necessity of survival and the right to human dignity should come first.